
A New Approach to Performing Recertifications


McCright & Associates understands the challenges of performing recertifications and is

excited to announce a new solution.


eRecert™  is built to deliver compliance, excellent customer service, and cost savings
to all stakeholders in the recertification process:


♦ Automated workflow enforcement

♦ Customized to your admin plan

♦ Secure storage of case file or printed documents for your files

Customer Service:

♦ One call interview for participants

♦ Convenient for working participants

♦ In home or at work pick up of participant supplied documentation

Cost Efficiency:

♦ One vendor for integrated services

♦ Increased effectiveness of administrative fees

♦ Allows reallocation of PHA staff to other program needs by freeing valuable staff time


Start Your Transformation Today! 



To request a demo and learn more about eRecert™ , please call us today at (423) 267-1300 or email for a no cost evaluation of how McCright can help you eliminate the burden of recertifications.